01 October, 2008

Some more Random toughts...

700 billion $'s...WOW!  Look, I'm all for helping the economy just as much as the next person.  It's tough for everyone right now; well, almost everyone.  The banks and mortgage companies screwed up and were reckless.  I know if I screw up and am reckless nobody comes to bail me out so why should I help bail out these screwtards?  There's gotta be better way.  I wonder if these companies have tried having car washes on the weekends?  I did that back in '96 for student council and we cleared $500 easy in one day.  If each bank has one of these each weekend for a year we're lookin' at at least a couple million....Just sayin'

I live in L.A and this week the Dodgers play the Cubs.  I'm also a Cubs fan and in the last 3 days If I'd had a nickel for everyone who said "go Cubs" to me I'd have at least $4.  It's amazing how any Cubs fans there are everywhere.  It's understandable that I've gotten so many salutes because I'm sure half of the "dodger" fans don't even know their team is in the playoffs.  In fact, I wonder how many even know they moved from Brooklyn...GO CUBS!!

I think Sarah Palin is by far the most under-qualified person to ever run for any office ever!  But she is smokin' hot!

In other news, I just picked up my 4th sponsor in guitar hero, legends of rock, medium level.  No big deal...I leave for my Japan tour later tonight.

Of course the weekend I want to go camping it's supposed to rain.  Hasn't rained in Southern CA in 4 months so why not?  Funny thing is the last time I went camping it rained, no poured, for 3 full days in Phoenix.  It hadn't rained in Phoenix for 183 days before I got there.  I'm like Pigpen from Charlie Brown only with a rain cloud over me instead of dirt.

Have I mentioned how I'm nearly 100% sure that White Sox catcher A.J. Piersynski (sp?) is gay?  You know how I know you're gay? You dye your dumb ass hair bleach blonde and whine about everything.  You know how else I know you're gay?  He used to use the same restroom s Larry Craig...'nough said!

Filled up at $3.49 today...that's pretty good right?  I thought so.  When I moved to CA gas was $.89/gallon...in '02.  Goodness how times have changed...

Winerschnitzel came out with a new foot long chili cheese dog...I'll let you know on Monday how it is!!  Hip hip Hooray!!

Ostrich...that's not a burger, it's a bird!



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